Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Know "Know" Know this

Am not quite sure about the source of this.........just wanted to share with all ............

I know that I know,
My actions and words show that I know.
You know that I know,
And now you want to know what I know.

But why should I let you be in the know?
You appreciate me for what I know.
And I know when you know what I know,
Your appreciation will wither not grow.

It took so much of me to know,
Now suddenly, you want to get at what I know,
Without appreciating the one who knows.
Why should I let you be in the know?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good poem!! The poet made quite an effort to confuse the worshippers of poetry with his simple logic of knowing and not knowing what should be known and what shouldn't be known !!

Sir, I would like to have a look inside your mind to discover what made you write such knowlegeable words about knowing and not knowing and what others would like to know or not like to know etc. etc. etc. ....